Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It's almost been a year since I've been back on here... Lots of things have changed. I took the year off to relax and to claim back my body. It was great helping those couples, but after 4 retrievals and one cancellation, it was time to give me a break. A few months back, I received an email wondering if I would be interested in a donation. I missed that email because of phone difficulties (it didn't download for some reason onto my phone) so I missed out on that match. I realized that after I missed that email, I felt bad. I was still up in the air about doing another donation, but I feel like there is still unfinished business out there. I decided maybe I could do one more. Then a few weeks ago, another couple contacted me through an agency because they were interested...but I haven't heard anything since. That pretty much made up my mind that I would do one donation.

So....I guess, I am officially back into the donation process. At least for one more round. I hope I get matched soon and it goes well. Cross your fingers for me and I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Summer said...

Hope this last donation works out well for both you and your IPs! Looking forward to reading all about it.